Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 7, 2016 No. 1002 "On Certain Issues Regarding the Distribution and Number of Plant Species" approved a list of plant species whose distribution and number are subject to regulation, and a provision on the conduct of appropriate measures. The Resolution comes into force on December 31, 2016.
The list of plants, the distribution and number of which are subject to regulation (in fact - recognized as undesirable and subject to destruction), includes nine species, mainly capable of rapid uncontrolled spread of exotic species, which are dangerous for natural ecosystems. The list includes two widespread species of trees - maple tree and robinia pseudo-acacia.
The transfer of living organisms from other natural areas or from other continents is associated with significant risks: some species under new conditions are capable of rapid uncontrolled spreading, introduction into natural ecosystems, alteration of their structure, displacement of local species. Sometimes such species are dangerous not only for natural biological diversity, but also for humans - for example, they cause allergies, burns in case of accidental contact, etc. It is usually impossible to predict in advance how this species behaves from afar, it depends - it depends From very many factors; Therefore, such a long-term transfer is always associated with serious risks in one way or another.
This must be taken into account, for example, in amateur forest growing. Many people like the idea of growing exotic plants brought from afar, and even "enriching" these ecosystems with natural ecosystems and landscapes. But sometimes such "enrichment" leads to real trouble - or to the fact that the imported plants themselves become aggressive weeds, or to the fact that dangerous pests are recorded with them.